How to generate hotspot from Computer Using Command Prompt

Many people doesn't know that they can generate Hotspot from their computer without installing any hotspot generating software like hotspot shield. To generate a quick and fast hospot from pc
using command prompt also knows as CMD without the thought of worrying to download any software.

Procedure to follow to generate Hotspot on Computer using Command Prompt (CMD):

  1. Click on the Start buttonon the Screen  or by pressing the window key on the Keyboard.
  2. Search CMD and run as Administrator

  3. Grant access to open as an Administrator,
  4. After opening the Command prompt

  • Type Netsh wlan Mode = allow  Ssid = hotspot name e.g Unisploit  Key = 1234567 or any other preferable password.
  • After creating the hotspot profile, Type Netsh wlan Start hostednetwork to make it visible to use
  • To stop the hotspot, Type  Netsh wlan stop hostednetwork and the hotspot visibility will be off
  • To change the hostpot password if it was compromised , Type Netsh wlan key = new password e.g Unisploit4551 and click enter.
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