using command prompt also knows as CMD without the thought of worrying to download any software.
Procedure to follow to generate Hotspot on Computer using Command Prompt (CMD):
- Click on the Start button
on the Screen or by pressing the window key on the Keyboard.
- Search CMD and run as Administrator
- Grant access to open as an Administrator,
- After opening the Command prompt
- Type Netsh wlan Mode = allow Ssid = hotspot name e.g Unisploit Key = 1234567 or any other preferable password.
- After creating the hotspot profile, Type Netsh wlan Start hostednetwork to make it visible to use
- To stop the hotspot, Type Netsh wlan stop hostednetwork and the hotspot visibility will be off
- To change the hostpot password if it was compromised , Type Netsh wlan key = new password e.g Unisploit4551 and click enter.
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